Privacy Through Comics and Decoding

In week 2 of the privacy badges workshop the group participated in two main activities. The descriptions of these activities blend together project the voices of project staff and teen peer researchers in this blog post.


The workshop began with an activity facilitated by Colin to learn how to create storyboards and comic strips. Each teen was given an icing filled cookie, and asked to eat in in their usual way and to capture the process in a 6 frame story. The teens describe, “we shared our process with a partner, then with the rest of the group and analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of each process. This was to understand the importance of step-by-step process when explaining something. It was especially interesting, because it has applications in coding – in coding, you must tell the computer exactly what to do, similar to a step-by-step process. We definitely kept this mind when we were using code to create our Privacy Comics.”

As the next part of the activity, teen peer researchers created comics. The comic activity was described by the teens “to educate people about current online privacy issues. In groups of three, we developed 3 different comic strips, each 6 frames long, to show the importance of Facebook privacy settings, the implications of online tracking, and the dangers of sharing personal information online.”


One of the comic concepts developed by the youth was to create a yearbook of the future to demonstrate the risks that may exist because of digital trails. The comic was produced first through sketching and later through the remix of a Mozilla Thimble template.









The second main activity was about decoding privacy law.

The teens describe this activity as follows, “each group chose one of the principles of PIPEDA to define in their own words. We used the official definitions of the word from dictionaries, our own interpretations, as well as excerpts from the PIPEDA legal document. The terms to define were Accountability, Complaints, Consent, and Openness. Using Mozilla Thimble, we linked each groups’ definition to a main page.”

The activities from the week 2 workshop may be integrated into open badge prototypes on “Privacy Storytelling” or “PIPEDA Law Decoding.”